Day 54 - much needed training

6inches of the fresh stuff fell overnight so when my training class reached the top of the gondola at 8:15am, you can just imagine how much fun we had laying down some fresh tracks. It was sweet! Much of the snow gets tracked out quickly so after two or three runs of fun, it was time to start training.

Unlike my training session last year, I now look forward to hitting the slopes with some much more qualified riders. In order for me to improve my skills and to learn new places to ride on the mountain (this place is huge!), this type of training is essential. And although I am usually the worst rider of the group, I don't let that intimidate me and I embrace the challenge. These lessons are a far cry from the three hour "first timers" lesson I took with Bonk at Smugglers Notch seven years ago. Little did I know then that there was so much more to snowboarding than just being able to get down a run.

The training was Skills Development with Feedback. It's designed to help instructors teach higher level skills to their students. We rode down sections of a run, one at a time, then regrouped and gave feedback to each other. I really got a lot out of the class and took away many pointers and excercises to work on. My riding improved twofold just from one session. I ended the day super stoked about what I learned and I can't wait for the next session tomorrow.

just so everyone knows who I am rooting for in the Superbowl!!


Martini Cartwheels said...

Love your Pat's wear! Looking forward to the game on Sunday!

Ronia Nash said...

yea my mom hooked me up!