Day 2 | Deep Freeze

The weather took a turn for the worse over the weekend.  The average temps in the Alpine have been around -20°C (single digits in Fahrenheit) and colder than that with the 50kph wind chills.  Needless to say, I haven't been up since Friday.  That's too damn cold for me!!

My little friend from Hawaii is here for the week and I offered to take him up the mountain since no one in his family skis or rides.  The winds have died down today and the sun was shining, so even though the temperatures were still very frigid, it was bearable if you dressed correctly.

Izayah and I hit the village gondola around noon.  We strapped on our boards and headed down Ego Bowl.  Izayah is a great and speedy zig zagger who is working on his S-turns.  I got him doing a couple turns in a row on the flat parts but it was too cold to really work at them.  We managed to get in two runs before I called hot chocolate time and called it a day.

I've had Izayah in my class since he was 7 years old and he had never been on a snowboard before.  He comes back year and year for Thanksgiving, usually bearing great Hawaiian gifts for me like chocolate covered macadamia nuts.  Now he's ten years old and growing like a weed.  Here he is over the last couple of years!