Day 64 | cactus juice

As I've mentioned before, lessons are slow these days.  We had four Instructors scheduled and miraculously we had four classes (nine kids).  I started with four level twos but I quickly gave one away.   He ended up being a high level three once he got the stance and balance correct on his S turns with me.   Ironic because he didn't even want to take a lesson.... his mom and dad forced him.  I think he ended up having a good day and he definitely improved his riding.

The sun was shining all day and the temps were hovering around the freezing level at all points on the mountain.  My group started on the Magic Carpet but we quickly moved over to Olympic Chair territory and worked in that area and on the Super Carpet until lunch.

After lunch I made the mistake of taking them to the top.  Well, it was a mistake to take my eight year old up there as he wasn't ready and was really really tired by the time we reached the bottom of the Emerald Chair.  But it was perfect for my oldest girl, who finally mastered her turns and advanced to level three after riding the steeper terrain.

We only took one run down Ego Bowl.  I think that took nearly an hour.  We then downloaded back to the CLC where we built a jump and finished the day on the Magic Carpet getting huge air!!