Day 65 | se7enth

I was assigned level fives at Whistler Kids and the only kid to show up was one level six guy from Seattle.  I asked him what he was working on and he said:  switch, back 1's, nose presses on boxes, and board slides.  I knew immediately I probably wasn't the person to be teaching this kid but I wasn't about to trade away one level six for seven level twos.  Even though I couldn't demo what he was working on, at least I could give him feedback and criticism.

In the morning we lapped the Whistler small park.  He did straight airs with some grabs for most of the jumps on his first run.  On his second run, he did Back 180's on every small jump.  Landed all of them.  Next run he practiced board slides.  Finally it was time for lunch.

I was dreading the afternoon as this kid wasn't talking too much.  Plus his riding was insanely perfect so there wasn't much critique or feedback I could give this kid.  He was an amazing rider.  He opted to go to Blackcomb for the afternoon and took a lap through the blue park straight away.  He didn't hit the jumps but hit almost every hop on box and rail.  Next we rode through the Terrain Garden, which was nice because I actually got to hit the features there.  We met up with the guys from Ride Tribe at Solar Coaster and decided to tag along with Devon and his class of level fives around 1pm.

Meeting up with Devon was the best thing that could have happened.  Devon is a great Instructor, always funny and enthusiastic.  Plus he's a great teacher.  Not to mention it gave my kid some other kids to run with.  We ran out to 7th Heaven and tried to find some powder through the trees.  There wasn't much to find and although the snow was okay, it was a bit icy at times.  We took a couple laps through 7th and a couple more laps through the Terrain Garden before the day came to an end.

When Mom picked up Zach, I suggested she change tomorrow's Whistler Kids lesson to a FreeRide lesson.  This kid is too good to not be in the FreeRide class.  Mom thanked me for all the kind words and was able to change his lesson.