Day 25 | Seventeen Lil Rippers

Morgan, Melissa, Kat, and Gillian shared a record settings/capped Lil Rippers day with 17!  Needless to say, all four Instructors were exhausted by day's end.  I had the luxury of having an actual level three class today ... that is after I put the two level twos who signed up as threes back into their appropriate classes.  I hate when Instructors move kids up a level when they aren't the higher level.  It's very very frustrating.

Anyway, because of the mess up, my level three's and I only had time to run from mid-station to village.  I think we managed to squeeze in three runs before lunch.  Not bad!  I had two repeat boys from yesterday and two kids who were moved down from level four (yes, because an Instructor put them up to 4 when they were really 3's).

We spent most of the day working on counter-rotation.  After lunch we had enough time to ride down to the village then up to the Alpine (my first time in the Alpine since Dec 5th!).  The snow was soft packed and it felt great to be riding terrain that didn't require me to stop every ten feet.  The green runs were crowded but not crazy.  My day ended with a $20 tip - : )