Day 38 | It's never been this cold!

When I awoke this morning, it was -2F in the village (-19C) and the wind was blowing 30-50kph.  I was scheduled for Ride Tribe so I was happy that working with the teenagers meant working a slightly shorter day.  Needless to say I was hoping to not work but deep down I knew I'd be getting a class.  We had 38 Riders and I was assigned Level 3 with another Instructor.

Laurie and I ended up with ten kids.  We threw them onto two class cards and decided to split them at the Roundhouse.  Five of them were in lessons yesterday and they were true level threes.  The other five of them who hadn't been in lessons recently were NOT level threes.  Once we strapped in and headed towards Whiskey Jack, it became very apparent we should have split the class at mid-station and not at the top of the mountain.  Four kids had the toughest time getting to the first roller on Whiskey.  One girl walked most of the way to our first stop area and I ended up calling Patrol to snowmobile her back to the Roundhouse.  Once we got her squared away, Laurie took the true level threes and I took the four level twos and slowly made my way down to the Emerald Chair.  By the time we reached the chair, three of the four kids were turning.  They weren't turning confidently but they were turning.  One kid was still having a tough time and zig zagged most of the way.

We made it to the top of Emerald around 10:30am and quickly went inside to warm up.  We found the rest of the classes in there already trying to get warm.  We ended up taking a super long lunch, staying inside until 11:45am.  I wasn't complaining as it took me about 45 minutes to warm up.  It was -25C (-13F) outside and as you can imagine, that was freaking freezing!!!!!  

After lunch, Laurie and I hooked up with Jose and we split up six kids between the three of us.  I took the one guy who was definitely a low level two and managed to get him turning in one run to Emerald.  Lucky for me we ran into Jose's class on the second run so we ended up following him.  To my surprise, my kid now fit into Jose's level two class ... and I was able to go home!  I was so cold that I downloaded in the gondola and clocked out around 1:30pm.