Day 65 - so many good runs to do!

Whistler Blackcomb reported 8cm of new snow fell overnight.  I made plans to meet up with a friend and fellow coworker named Ellen at 10:15am.  At 9am she texted me and said the snow was amazing so I rushed to put some pants on and headed up the Creekside Gondola.

The Peak Chair didn't open til 10am and there was already a long queue so we took a lap over the Roundhouse roll and then ripped under the gondi to the Emerald Chair.  From there we spent the rest of the afternoon on the Peak Chair.

Our first run was into Doom and Gloom and no one had touched the snow.  Let me also mention that the 8cm of snow measured at Pig Alley was about 20cm of soft snow off the Peak!!  We ripped through Frog Hollow into VD Trees down to Red Chair.  Next lap was down the face of Peak, where again the snow was deep and soft.

We met up with Ellen's friend Andy and ran towards the bowl where the duo dropped a couple of rocks.  On the next lap we met up with Morgan and did Doom and Gloom again.  This time the trio was dropping cornices and rocks.  I was a bit jealous to be honest as I'm not 100% health wise and it still hurts my tailbone to put strained pressure on my legs.  Besides I was also trying to be extra careful as to NOT fall on my tailbone again as it's still pretty bruised and swollen.  By the end of that lap, my tailbone was sore and I was getting tired so I decided to call it a day.  I even downloaded from the bottom of Red Chair.  I didn't want to push it and felt I was probably going to hurt myself more if I didn't quit when I did, which was disappointing because I was having such a blast and the snow was so amazing.