Day 7 - Happy 50th!!

Low lying clouds in the Valley hid the ideal conditions on the peaks today.  Legit bluebird sky with very little wind.  Temps were noticeably colder.  It was a perfect groomer day as it didn't take long for the fresh snow from a couple days ago to get packed down.  We met up with Kalen around 9:30am and hit a couple of "must do's" -- Upper and Lower Peak to Creek was the run of the day.  Due to the lack of snow, I haven't ridden the entire 7km of that trail for a couple years.  We also took Kalen out to see the Blackcomb glacial cave.  We also took a couple laps in 7th Heaven where we enjoyed some amazing views.

Storm coming in for the next couple of days with fluctuating freezing temps.   Hopefully the freezing level doesn't get too high.  Snow Forecast is calling for 79cm by Wednesday!!!!!