Day 96 - Adventures with Aimee

I was hoping my week off from work was going to be a week of sun and biking.  But BC weather hasn't been cooperating all that much this year.  Still raining, cool, and cloudy.  An old friend from New Zealand is back in town so I decided to go for a shred with her ... for old times sake.

Let's not forget it's April.  Someone hasn't told Mother Nature yet.  It has snowed 37cm in the last 48 hours bringing the snow base to 359cm.  I met up with Aimee at 8am in the Village where it was raining.  By the time we reached midstation, the rain had turned to snow.  We took a few warm up laps in the Emerald Zone before the Peak Chair opened then headed up to the Peak.  The wind was whipping up there and the visibility was nothing.  We decided to head towards Peak to Creek as that was the opposite way the wind was blowing.  I experience vertigo quite easily so I had a hard time just sideslipping my way down as I couldn't see a thing.  It was quite an adventure as we both fell quite a times just trying to reach a point where we had some sort of visibility.  That point came at Bagel Bowl where we found deep, soft, untracked snow.  We followed that down all the way to Creekside before heading back up and doing it all over again.  With Aimee, it's always an adventure.  We capped off the day with a few runs through the trees above Marmot.  The snow was nice and soft until you hit the level of the second Peak 2 Peak tower.