Day 4 - team teaching

Lauren and I split the Level one snowboarders today.  A total of 11 kids who never snowboarded before.  Conditions are horrible as it rained most of the day.  Unfortunately it rained all the way to the top of the mountain so what little snow we have is slowly melting away.  
Funny:  for some reason I was singing the guitar solo to Barracuda all morning.  One of our students came up to me and asked if I play Guitar Hero.  I said, "yea I play Guitar Hero on my PS3".  He told me that he knew I played Guitar Hero.  
"How did you know I play that game" I asked.  He said, "because how else would you know that song Barracuda?"  I just laughed to myself and said "yea, I know that song from the game" and thinking to myself: little does this kid know I've been singing Barracuda long before he was even born!  


Blondie said...

dunt da da dunt da da dunt da da na naaaaa