Day 82 - ? ? question mark ? ?
Day 81 - back to the Magic Chair
The sun was shining and it was super warm today. Naturally I was working on my goggle tan.
Day 80 - Over the hill
Day 79 - Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Day 78 - Fresh Tracks II
There was only a trace of new snow overnight, but Symphony had been closed for the last two days and a ton of snow fell since Friday. We took a few powder runs through Harmony then headed over to the amphitheatre. We discovered that taking the Sun Bowl from Harmony down to Symphony was the best way to get there. We took countless fresh tracks this morning and got stuck in powder that was up to our waist. Day 78 was an insanely great powder day!!!
Day 76 - Ahhhhhh................
The birds in Whistler prefer to be hand fed.
Day 75 - one crazy week!
Day 74 - sun
Day 73 - H : E : double hockey sticks!!!
Day 72 - Happy St. Patricks Day
It was kind of clear at the Roundhouse and instead of rain, it was actually snowing. Peak Chair to Symphony seemed like the most logically place to try and find some good snow. MISTAKE!!! The wind was blowing like crazy on the peak and the visibility was a complete whiteout. We actually walked (carried our boards) the cat track from the Peak Chair to the Saddle run that took us back down to the Peak Chair. There was no way we could have made it over to Symphony and with no visibility, what was the point? In fact, by the time we made it back to the Peak Chair, the fog had completely covered the Roundhouse. It was a long way back to the village but we made it. Day 72 ended on a good note as we met back up with the client and had some apres at the Longhorn. Kevin has had two bad weekends in a row, he's dying to shred up some good pow. Hopefully next weekend will be a little better.
Day 71 - Gotta love getting paid to shred
Day 70 - The End is in sight!
Day 69 - didya say sixty nine???
Day 68 - Iceskating anyone????
Imagine how the Level 1 kids felt trying to learn in these conditions. When they fell, they fell hard. ouch! Day 68 was nothing exciting. A few runs on Olympic. I had 8 kids in my class today, only 1 is scheduled to return on Tuesday. I hope the conditions improve.
Day 67 - getting tired
We ended up with another girl in our class today too. So on Day 67, we took the gondola up to the top (the snow was amazing by the way) and did some green runs all the way down. The day went by pretty fast and my cold seems to be going away so I'm glad I decided to work. I'm also glad it's Friday. I'm thinking about taking the weekend off from snowboarding. I'm pooped!
six six
Let me explain my riding level. I am a Level 4..... maybe a Level 5 snowboarder. I never realized there were so many technical aspects to snowboarding until I got to Whistler. My definition of snowboarding was to strap on my board and head to the "groomiest" blue runs. Up here: people snowboard on powder, double black diamonds, bowls, moguls, tree runs, runs you can hike to, virtually every kind of run you can think of..... including runs that aren't even on the trail maps!
You can imagine my surprise when I was told I was signed up for Basic Survival Training 3 (Day 66), ESPECIALLY when I never took a Basic Survival Training 2 course! I took BST 1. That was easy and was done on green runs. I assume BST 2 takes place on blue runs because BST 3 was on black runs!!! Not only was I heading to territory I was already intimidated by but I was heading with a few of my colleagues who are probably Level 12 riders!!!! I mean, one guy was riding half way up the side of a mountain and then jumping back down over the cliff! And here I was sideslipping my way down to my group who had already been waiting for me for about 5 minutes. It was kind of a humiliating day. My only hope is my boss still believes I am qualified enough to teach Level 1's and not a complete moron who has no business working in Snowboarding School.
Day 65 - Rain then Sun
Gore Tex is my friend!
Day 64 - much better
Day 63 - ugh!
Day 62 - A Bust!
Day 61 - Sam I Am
It's Not All Fun and Games!
At the beginning of this week, one my kids fell backwards and his helmet smacked straight into my shin. It's a pretty bad bruise. Thank God the kid had a helmet on. Sucks for my leg though.