Day 2 | JMan

The sun was shining and the skies were blue today.  The temps had dropped a bit, which is normal when there is no cloud cover.  I spent the day with my Club Kid, Jaden.  He's almost 9 years old and he rides with me on Saturdays starting in January.  His parents and I have become friends and I offered to take him up since they weren't going to be on the hill for another couple of weeks because of injuries.

We made it to the Roundhouse at exactly 10am.  Jaden isn't exactly the fastest snowboarder on the planet, not to mention he had a new longer board.  He was a little nervous on the first run, though he did great, but he was slow.  I feel I work my muscles a lot more when I'm forced to go slower than the speed I would normally ride at.  After two runs, I was ready for a rest and a drink.

We rode another two or three laps and then headed into the Roundhouse for lunch.  Afterwards we downloaded to the village where Jaden's mom picked him up.  It was nice quiet day with amazing views. Another step closer to getting my legs back in shape for the rest of the long season.


Martini Cartwheels said...

That view is amazing. Busy week coming up? I imagine it would be a big tourist week.

Ronia Nash said...

The weekend will be busy. I'm busy this week just from my Hawaiian friends being in town.