Day 112 | carpet sunning

The sun was shining today and it was warm.  I was assigned level ones and ended up teaching a 1star, a never-ever, and two level twos.  We spent the morning on the Magic Carpet where I got the kid who had never snowboarded before sideslipping on his edges.  He was a high level skier so he picked up the technique quite quickly.  The other three were practicing s-turns.  The snow was quite icy before the warm sun softened it so we didn't spend too much time out on the ice.  After lunch I took the kids over to the Super Carpet  then ventured to the Olympic for a couple of laps before it was time to download and end the day.

Irish was riding with his buddy this afternoon so once my work day ended, I ran up the gondola and met up with him for a last run down to the valley.  It felt good to have a couple of days off and then get back on the board, especially when the sun is shining and the snow is soft.