Day 77 - annoyed

March Madnes!  Another 15cm overnight and it snowed all day to the Village.  The snow base is hovering close to 300cm -- with 296cm measured at 3pm this afternoon.  We had 15 kids in snowboard lessons with an additional four guys in Lil Rippers.  I was assigned to level two and filled up a class card of six.  After a quick assessment at the Magic Carpet, I realized I had six high level twos.  Conditions at the CLC were powder packed and the bunny slope was running slow.  Too slow to get kids committed to their toe edge so I decided to go to the Village.  The kids didn't do too bad but they definitely needed to spend their time at the Olympic Chair.  So that's what we did for the remainder of the day.  One moved up to level three but they all improved their S-turns.  The snow was nice and light.