Day 87 - busy busy busy

This is the most busy week of the season and today was the most busy day of the year for snowboard school.  85 kids were looking to take some lessons and we had about 14 instructors willing to teach.
I was offered the Level 3 class and for some unknown reason, I volunteered to take the Level 2 AC class.  So instead of heading up top to where the snow was pristine, I stayed below midstation with eight boys who can't turn.  No biggee as the boys had fun, they were all well-behaved and it's challenging to teach kids how to turn.  Besides, eight is considered a full class so I don't have to worry about picking up any other kids over the next two days and trying to figure out if they will work with my AC kids.  This way I can pick up my kids in the morning and just go riding. 


Martini Cartwheels said...

Hey Ronia,

What does AC stand for? Advanced Class?

Ronia Nash said...

No, it stands for Adventure Camp... which means I have the same group of kids for three days (mon-wed).