Day 89 - work day fresh tracks and hip hop

Started the day off with another fresh tracks breakfast with seven of my co-workers. All of us had Adventure Camp classes which means we didn't need to report to duty until 9am. 2cm was called as the overnight measurement, but once again, some runs had much more pow on them than that.

Picked up my boys at 9:15am and headed to the Roundhouse. It was cold and snowing. Unfortunately, one kid slammed his head and we needed to call patrol. Spent the rest of the day with six kids who are all turning by now. Someone built a jump outside the CLC and the boys were all too happy to catch some air before and after lunch.

Wednesday is Adventure Camp apres day. Snowboarding ends at 3pm, ice cream and cookies break out around 3:15pm, and at 3:30pm an acitivity starts. The theme for this week was: HIP HOP so we had a "dance off". Five teams competed. My team renamed themselves the ICE COLD CHILI PEPPERZ, and instead of dancing a routine to a song off the iPod like the other four teams, they wrote their own song, sang it and had a couple of the kids breakdancing. It was pretty entertaining.


Martini Cartwheels said...

That's cute Ronia. I hope you will sing the song for us when you come for a visit.

Ronia Nash said...

Remind me and I will... if I can remember it.