Day 91 - what day is it?

I don't normally work Saturdays or Sundays so the days are all mixed up for me.  A colleague asked if I could cover his shift today.  Again, why the hell not?  Spent the day team teaching Level One's with Morgan.  I had six and he had four.  The sun was shining and it was super warm at mid-mountain.  A definite goggle tan day!  Most of the kids were turning on the Supercarpet by the end of the lesson so that's a bonus.  
Sunday was also fun photo day! 

These days the lifts close at 4pm.  Once our kids are signed out, usually by 3:30pm, we have time for a "last run".  Today I took a last run with Morgan and Charlie.  Two hunky 19 year olds who have more energy than my dog.  Charlie found us some fresh pow in treelines that I didn't even know existed.  SWEET!  It was a super fast, super fun run.  By the time I caught up with them in the village, I was exhausted.  Boys -- they are fast.  Definitely brought a much needed smile to my face and ended my day on a great note.
Catching some rays on the cushions!

Charlie - HIGH 5 gloves!

Whistler Kids professional photographers!

Morgan ollies the elephant!