Day 53 | snow bord rokes

I love my Sunday Club class.  They are so cute.  I was determined to get them turning properly today.  The only thing we did was play follow the leader.  I would take the lead and they had to follow in my tracks.  Of course we had some fighting on who was to go first and who was to go last so we had to keep taking turns and rotating the lineup.  Juliet's dad, JF Pelchat, also took a few runs with us.  We did quite a bit of snowboarding on greens and blues.  We even took one lap through the park where Ella and Caleb totally sent it!  I was hoping that if they followed in my tracks, they would get rid of some of their counter-rotation and their turns would start incorporating more inclination and angulation in their ankles .... almost getting them to start carving.  Low and behold, it actually worked!  By the end of the day, Ella's turning was completely different than when she started in the morning.  That made me happy.

The last couple of days have been warm as an inversion is in the atmosphere, leaving warmer temps up top and colder temps in the Village.  We haven't had any new snow for a few days and no precip is forecasted for the next week.  Yuck!