Day 57 | do you believe in fairies?

Sundays are, by far, the best day to teach.  My Sunday Club class is a lot of fun!  They are starting to get a bit more comfortable with each other and with me.  Today they were wild and a bit out of control.  We had big plans to ride with Lauren and her one kid Nicole.  It was Race Weekend so we had a time to run the GS Race Course at 11am.  We figured we would ride on Blackcomb until lunch.  We wanted to hit the terrain garden, the GS course, and the Snowcross track.  Unfortunately the conditions on Blackcomb limited us to what we could do.  Most of the runs were very icy so we never went through the terrain garden or to the snowcross track.

Nevertheless, the kids had fun running the race and taking the Peak 2 Peak over to Whistler.  After lunch they wanted to hit the boxes and the jump at the CLC.  After that, we took a couple of laps from mid-station to the Village where we had a snowboarding snowball fight (you can only grab snow and throw snow while you're moving on your snowboard) ..... It helps with kids bending their knees.  I have to admit a couple of them got me pretty good in the face with a snowball.  Ugh!