Day 67 - to the rings!

I wasn't sure what to do with my Club kids today.  I wish we would get some fresh snow on the weekends so we can shred some pow but that doesn't seem to be happening.  I was hoping to do some tree runs with them so I figured I would give Marmot Trees a try after going through Enchanted Forest. It wasn't bad in there and the kids all surprised me by easily getting down the Peak 2 Peak line.

We ended up doing a lot of different runs today as I even surprised myself by keeping the lessons "fresh".  Let's see, we practiced some switch.  Rode the trees.  Videoed some of our project on Dave Murray.  Continued down Dave Murray to the secret cut off.  Took pics at the Olympic Rings.  Ran down to Creekside and finally finished with a massive sized jump at the CLC.  Everyone had a different favorite part of the day and we all had fun.  The sun was shining and it was warm with no wind, also no new snow overnight (but what else is new?) --