Day 75 - Chica Pea

Sun was shining today!  That's the positive of my day.  It was another day of picking up "left overs" from AC and I was helping out level 3.  We signed in 14 level threes but in reality there were only seven level threes and the rest were level 2.

I took three girls:  one from NY, who was in Adventure Camp and two friends from Beverly Hills.  The girls from Beverly Hills were stereotypical 90210-type kids.  I spent the morning with the three and we rode green runs in the Family Zone.  I realized during lunch that one girl was in AC so I put her with Meghan's AC class.

Meghan and I ran a few laps together in the afternoon, including one through Marmot Trees.  I'm not going to say how my day went with the LA girls.  My mom taught me that if I don't have anything nice to say about someone than I shouldn't say anything.  I will leave it at that.  Sun was shining today!  Beautiful day.  ; )