Day 13 - blue bird skies

Wednesday, Hump Day = another shadow.  I don't mind having shadows as you're guaranteed to have an upper level class.  We had a class of four who were moved up to Level 3 yesterday, but as usual, they were really only level two's.  Nothing we could do about it so we headed up to the top of the mountain. 

We took a few runs down Ego Bowl, taking our time and showing the kids how to turn.  The snow wasn't bad where there was snow, but like it's been all season, there are patches of snow and then bigger patches of ice.  And again, it was crowded as only the green sections of the Emerald Runs are open.  But the sun was shining strong and it felt so good on my cold face.

By the end of the day, we got most of the kids turning.  In the Gondola on the ride down, the girls (three of them) decided to peel the snow off their boards and start a small snowball fight with my shadow, Morgan ( a cute young buck from Toronto).  They all had fun.  It was a good day.  


Martini Cartwheels said...

Just me and my shadow....