Day 62 | Superbowl Funday!

This is the first time I've ever had to work on Superbowl Sunday.  It didn't matter because I had my Valley Club kids:  two level four's who can tear it up like nobody's business.  We only had 2cm of snow overnight, but again, it kept the conditions soft packed.  Right off the bat we headed up the gondola to the Alpine and just shredded it!  We hit everything from tree runs to the terrain park.  We also participated in the Treasure Hunt and snowboarded all over the mountain in search of clues for a treasure (lollipops).  The boys had a great day, mostly because they spent the last part of the day gapping over a long foam block off a jump at the CLC.  Eight year olds are so easy to make happy!!

The Olympics are five days away and the mountain is changing.  Red Chair side of Whistler is nothing but blue fencing.  VANOC uniforms are everywhere and if you look close enough, you're sure to find some Olympic athletes either practicing or just having a fun day on the slopes.  Unfortunately, I have a feeling Ski School business is going to drop significantly starting tomorrow.