Day 43 - Club Saturday

Time sure is flying.  We are already past Christmas and weekend Club has started.  For the past three years, I've been teaching the same kids on Saturday Club and I thought this year they (and I) could use a change.  So I'm teaching an entirely new class this season and they are level threes.

Since it was the first day, we spent most of the morning sorting kids into the right levels.  Seven kids checked in as level three so I took the level two Instructor and we headed to the Magic Carpet.  It took us about 30 seconds to realize one boy was a level four so we got rid of him pretty quick.  With the exception of one girl, all the other kids were turning and were solid level threes.  Erin took the one level two for some laps on Olympic Chair while I took the remaining riders and we went for a lap down to the Village.

It snowed a few centimeters overnight and a few more during the day.  The base is down to 175cm and today's conditions were soft packed.  The conditions were fun after having to run hard groomers for the past two weeks.

After lunch, Erin returned with the level two girl who was now officially level three.  Levels three through six took a run to the Village to get the splits sorted one last time.  I have five girls and one boy. I was hoping the boy would fit in with Devon's level four class, just so he could have some other boys in his class but that didn't work out.  Maybe he can switch in a few weeks once he gets some mileage under his belt.

All in all it was a great day.  My class seems to be all on the same level and they all seem excited to ride and be on the snow.  Most of them are high level skiers who want to convert to snowboarding.  It won't take them long to move up quickly in levels.  I think we'll be shredding the gnarly gnar before the season is finished.