Day 52 - rainbows

I apologize my writings are a bit boring as of late.  Things have been the same day after day:  sun, warm temps up top, freezing down below, no new snow, same kids etc.  At least today is my "Friday". I had the same three Level Four kids as I had yesterday.  We spent the morning on Whistler jibbing off the sides of the runs.  When lunch is at 11:00am, there isn't much time for riding before it's time to eat.

In the afternoon, we took the Peak 2 Peak over to Blackcomb with Scotty's Level Five class and we headed straight to the Terrain Garden.  It was a zoo in there!  We managed to get one run in with all seven kids and split back up afterwards as it was just too crazy.  My boys wanted to build a jump at the CLC instead of going through the park again.  After a quick run through the GMC race course, we headed back to Whistler where we finished the day at the CLC.

Because the temps in the Village have been so cold, Whistler has been blowing snow on the lower runs and tiny crystals of snow have been hovering around the CLC.  When looking into the sun, the crystals have been creating the most amazing rainbows.  We were all outside taking pics.