Day 49 - one big jump for a little little girl

Sunday!  My favorite day of the week.  It was still sunny and cold with no new snow.  Amalia and I rocked up to the Roundhouse first thing in the morning and did a couple of Ego Bowl to Enchanted Forest runs before heading to the CLC to warm up our toes.

It was a typical Sunday.  Scattered runs here and there with the smallest and best Lil Ripper on Whistler.  Today we worked on turning with our knees (on steeper runs) and riding switch.  Cripes, the girl rode down Magic Carpet switch better than most kids do regular.  I took her to the Tree Fort as she said she had never been there.  She liked the slides (who doesn't?).  She hit the jump at the top of Tokum, landed it and then said to me: "That was a big jump for a little, little girl!"
She was right, it was a big jump.  We ended the day hanging out with her little buddy Oak and going over the jump that Morgan made at the CLC.  I'm already looking forward to next Sunday.