Day 41 - one wet kid

No, not another pants pee-er. Bad weather. Nobody wanted to work this morning as it was raining in the village, icing at midstation, and gusting winds 80-100kph at the Roundhouse. My boss gave me level 3's and only one kid showed up. He was in my class last week so I knew what kind of a rider he was so rather than throw away 3 days of guaranteed work with a kid who could ride anywhere, I opted to work in the crappy weather knowing the forecast for the rest of the week is sun.
I didn't feel like fighting the wind and snow up top so we rode midstation to village all day. The freezing rain/freezing snow made for a miserable day. My gloves were soaked by lunch but the Goretex uniform held up well. The snow was heavy and wet. Depressing since the snow has been so amazing as of late. Hopefully it won't turn to ice.


Martini Cartwheels said...

Sounds messy and cold. I'm glad it wasn't another pee-pee incident however! Of course, if I was that wet and that cold, I probably would have peed my own pants.