Day 50 - smokie fries

Another cold one and no new snow yet. We had four small classes and I had three never evers. Two of them were turning before lunch so I shoveled them off to another instructor and spent the rest of the day on the Supercarpet with one.
We had a nice surprise during lunch. Alarms suddenly beeping loudly as we were trying to enjoy our wings and alarm. Smokie fries were the culprit. Never had that happen before. No panic. We all stopped eating, quickly put on our jackets, and waited outside until the alarm stopped. Pretty amusing actually.


Martini Cartwheels said...

Ok, what's the Supercarpet? A long, fast trail?

Ronia Nash said...

No. The supercarpet is a long carpet that carries beginners up to a slow slope. I'll take a pic for you the next time I'm there.