Day 53 - represent

Started the day with another all female morning session. Rode switch and practiced carving. I made it to the CLC for 9am only to find my supervisor split the classes in the village and since I was "out of sight, out of mind" I didn't get assigned any one of the two classes we had. I suppose I could have fought over the one star class but ......
.... instead I headed up Garbanzo chair with hopes of making a few good runs. But once on the chair, the wind kicked up and I got pretty cold pretty fast (I'm such a wussy!). And since the little bit of nice powder we received yesterday was all packed out, I decided to head home for a nap. I need to rest up for the 8-12 inches of snow we are forecasted to receive on Thursday.


Martini Cartwheels said...

Hey Ronia Red Sox - love the name tag!