Day 67 - oops! brain fart

The day started off a bit whacky. The freezing levels were suppose to rise and the radio traffic guy said the roads were bare, but as I drove north, the rain was snow and it was snowing its butt off. Needless to say, I was quite a few minutes late for work. Way to start the day.

I was hoping I could get sent home but no such luck. Fortunately, I was assigned the Level 4 class. My girl from yesterday returned and was joined by four others. Funny story: I was handed my class card with five kids on it, but left "base camp" with only four and didn't realize it until my coworker found me outside the Roundhouse and asked me what happened to my other kid.

"What other kid?" I asked, "I only have four."

"No. I signed in five kids to your level." he replied.

As I stood there for a minute, I realized I did see five kids on my class card but I had completely brain farted and left with only four! Oops, my bad. This is why I love kids: find a big snowball, snowboard with it as long as possible!


Martini Cartwheels said...

That's funny Ronia. I can imagine it's hard to keep track of more than two kids. That's why I have dogs.

Ronia Nash said...

4-5 kids isn't bad, but when you get 7-8 kids... watch out!