Day 72 - ..... after some much needed rest

Back to a day of Level 2 training. Sun was shining so I was working on my goggle tan. I can't believe how long the sun has been out. We didn't have this much sun all last summer. Unfortunately, I'm serious.
Met Sean, our instructor at the top of Blackcomb. Conditions were packed powder (sort of) with some icy spots here and there. We worked on almost everything that is covered in a Level 2 exam course: intermediate sliding turns, advanced sliding turns, basic carving turns, intermediate carving turns, switch riding, and analysis and instruction. Sounds like a lot I know. You can imagine how stressful it is to take the course. The price of the course is about $425 and runs over a period of 4 full days. You are tested on your riding ability and your teaching ability. If you fail, you can re-test the section you failed (for an additional price of course). All that in order to increase your pay about $0.50hr. I guess it's more of a prestige thing.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I envy your world and job ...seems you are enjoying so much..that snowy adventure... :)))

Martini Cartwheels said...

I love that picture of the mountain Ronia! That looks way too steep to snowboard down.

Good luck with your class and your test!

Ronia Nash said...

Thank you Flora. Yes I feel blessed every day.

CJ, won't be testing til the end of April but will be "practicing" for all of March and April. Be prepared!