Day 105 - OMG! one of those days

I started out with five low level 3 kids.  We immediately headed up to the Roundhouse where the conditions were soft packed with sunny skies.  Lunch was at noon and I decided to drop down the Creekside runs.  (If you know this part of the mountain, you know most these runs are cat tracks.  And cat tracks are murder on snowboarders, especially kid snowboarders who aren't very good to begin with)  ~~ Anyway, we hit the Papoose/Pony Trail crossroads and one of my kids fell so hard patrol sledded him out with a neck brace and on the backboard.  Not necessary, more precaution.  Well that took well over an hour, it was now time for lunch and we were very far from the lunch room.  All of a sudden, one of my kids said his legs were sore and sat on the run for 10 minutes at a time.  Then when he did get up, he would slide down on his butt.  It took us an hour to get back to the CLC.  It was 1pm (an hour late for lunch) and I was ready to be HOME!

Well, I made it through the day with the help of my Supervisor.  I saw the kid who fell after class and he was fine.  In fact, he might be back tomorrow.  That's good.  After work, I did my laundry and found ten dollars in the dryer.  So my day ended pretty well......  : )


Martini Cartwheels said...

Love the "angry Rizzo" pic. At least you found the 10 bucks - that was a good thing.