Day 82 | your momma so skinny that ....

Last day of Adventure Camp and although no one made it past level two, all the kids improved quite a bit.  I'm surprised considering I didn't think any of them would ever get off the Magic Carpet when they first showed up on Monday.

We hit the Super Carpet first thing in the morning.  The conditions were groomed but super soft so it was a bit easier for them to progress.  After lunch I took five of them to the Olympic Chair and left one girl behind on the Magic Carpet (she wasn't quite ready for the chair).  We managed to squeeze in two runs on the chair before needing to get back to the CLC for Adventure Camp ice cream and cookies.  The day went by super fast.  I was tipped well and I managed to some how secured a requested Private lesson with one of the girls for Friday.  SA-WEET!!!