Day 84 | Kiss Me I'm with Irish

We are down to the last four weekends of Club.  Everyone showed up this week except for Mia.  Ava's parents took the liberty of "dressing the Instructor" -- Yes, I rode around dressed like that all day.  We weren't allowed to go through trees so there was no fresh powder to be found.  The snow on the groomers was nice, very soft packed.  We spent the day on Whistler mostly in the Green Acres area.  At one point we took a lap with the level five and level three class.  I think there was a group of 14 kids riding with 3 Instructors.  It was during that lap that D.T. fell and hurt his neck thus resulting in yet another call to Patrol.  He was cleared but we ended up sticking to green runs for the last two laps of the day.