Day 68 - Meet Stinky & Poo

Two inches of snow overnight leaving us with a climbing snow base of 140cm.  65cm forecasted for the next five days.  Everyone is sitting on pins and needles with fingers crossed - hoping Ullr finally comes through with lots new snow.

Lessons are slow this week.  Today we had 11 kids and 5 rippers.  I was assigned level twos and one kid showed up.  whew!  I was nervous for awhile as I really wanted to work.  Gunner ended up having one level three who wasn't the best at turning so I ended up taking that kid as well.  We spent the morning on the Magic Carpet where the snow was super soft packed.  Neither boy was too interested in snowboarding at all.  They were the most unenthusiastic kids I think I ever met.  Not to mention, they weren't too gifted in the athleticism department.

After lunch I was just as bored as the kids so I took them over to the Super Carpet.  Gunner was taking a lap to the Village with Steve to combine the 3/4 class and then he came over and took the higher kid from the Carpet.  In the meantime, I stuck around with the "muppet" trying as hard as I can to get him to turn onto his toe edge.  When he finally did, he immediately caught his back edge, fell backwards, and broke his arm.  : (

Since he was my only student, it was time for me to go home.  I was happy I made it through most of the day, only missing an hour.  Tomorrow we have even less kids taking lessons so who knows what kind of day that is going to bring.