Day 79 - pixie dust powder

The Ops phone said Whistler Blackcomb received 8cm of new snow overnight, bringing the snow base to 216cm.  It also said there would be isolated flurries throughout the day.  I wasn't thinking much in terms of a powder day but I was pleasantly surprised to hear we were given permission to go through the trees today.

Oak and Amalia showed up ready to rock and we reached the Roundhouse around 9:30am.  When we reached the bottom of Emerald Chair, we were surprised to see how heavily it was snowing up top.... and it snowed all day on Whistler.  We canvased the runs and decided to drop into the powder off Whiskey Jack for our warm up.  Little did we know how much powder there was!!  Not only was the snow almost waist deep on the kids, but it was the lightest snow I had ever experienced in Whistler.  It was amazing.  People call this type of powder: Champagne Powder.  The kids called it Pixie Dust Powder .... one, because they're kids, and two because they are both heavily into Fairies.

Needless to say, we spent the entire day shredding this amazing snow and riding through trees.  We ran Marmot Trees twice via Rat Fink area and Amalia said that was her most favorite run ever.  I almost had to agree with her.  We had a great day.  Today was a great example of why I love my job!!!