Day 70 - whiskey jack trees

Days off last week were boring as hell with no new snow for over three weeks and temperatures well below zero.  This week we are in the middle of a snow-pocalipse!  Another 12cm fell overnight and I met up with Nate for breakfast at 7am.  After a quick bite to eat, we were at the top of Red Chair before 9am.

It was a very windy day, gusting up to 70kph at Alpine level.  We decided to hit the trees off Whiskey Jack for our first run.  It was so good in there that we hit those trees three more times.  It was pretty sweet.  From one of those laps we headed down Bear Paw and into Unsanctioned.  Those trees were amazing as well.  The coverage towards the bottom was a bit sketchy but we managed to get out okay.

It started to get a bit busy around 10:30am.  Lift lines were getting long as nothing in the Alpine was scheduled to open because of the winds.  In fact, the Peak2Peak was on stand-by.  We took a long break before heading back out for another romp through the trees.  This time they were a bit more tracked out.  I smacked my knee on a rock earlier in the morning (on my second run) and taking a break really made it stiffen up so I called it a day just after noon.  Hopefully I will be okay to do it all over again tomorrow as the Alpine should crack sometime early morning.