Day 109 | hip hip hooray

I wasn't expecting to have a very good day.  I took the level two class and in that class was a kid who has kind of been a problem since he's been in Snowboard School.  I was first introduced to him last week when I was signing in kids and he spent the entire morning crying.  I then heard bits and pieces about him going from level one to level two back down to level one again.  Monday he refused to go up the gondola and pleaded to go home.  (He finally got up the gondola).  Yesterday he was making progress when his instructor informed me she got him turning on the Super Carpet, only to have him punch a girl in the face 20 minutes later.  Yup.  I wasn't expecting a very good day.

There were two other kids in my class and we hit the Super Carpet first thing in the morning.  Two of the kids could turn and one girl was having a bit of a problem.  The team managed to get a few good runs in before Blackcomb Schools took over the entire area.  My next idea was to head to the valley.  The kids could sideslip well enough that getting to the village shouldn't have been a problem.  When I made the announcement of the valley run, the "problem child" jumped up and down and gave me a huge hug saying:  "you're the best teacher ever!".  Today was his seventh or eighth day in Whistler Kids, and he hasn't left the mid-station area at all.  What makes the story even better was that once he put his snowboard on, he turned almost the entire way!!!  He finally made it to level three ---

After lunch we did the same thing:  took a run to the village and then spent the rest of the day at the CLC basking in the sun and jumping over the ramp we built.  Problem child was an angel all day and he even gave me a few cheers for being the best teacher ever!

Here are some pics: