Day 60 | hanging with Morgan

Last February, the buzz of the Olympics was in the air.  I miss that buzz!  Today we had 27 snowboarders.  A far cry from the numbers we had last year at this time.  But still not enough to give all Instructors who were scheduled a class.  Once the kids were all accounted for, there were two Instructors that needed to go home.  I wanted to work since I took most of last week off and I need to catch up on the cash flow.  Morgan and Lauren volunteered to leave.

I was given a class of seven level threes.  Just before we made our way to the gondola, my Supervisor called saying the level four Instructor needed to split the threes and fours.  He had already taken a run and needed to move two kids down a level.  This meant Morgan wasn't going home because that would have left me with nine kids.

So Alex and I took a run to the village, figured out the split and I met up with Morgan to give him his class.  By the time we sorted all this out, it was close to lunchtime so Morgan and I took nine kids down to the village again before it was time to eat.  

After lunch I sent one kid down to level two and gave Morgan the five stronger kids.  I took the three weaker/slower kids and headed up to the Roundhouse.  The snow conditions weren't too bad.  There was an inversion today so it was warm up top and cold down below.  The snow was soft packed and not too icy until you hit those runs that are always icy on days it doesn't snow (Upper Olympic).

We managed to fit in a couple of runs, including a lap through Marmot trees before we met back up with Morgan's class at the CLC to work on jumps.  Before we knew it, it was time to go home.  Wednesdays seem to be my best day of the week.  I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Wednesday is my Friday or if it's because the snowboard team usually scheduled on Wednesdays are so great to work with...... I definitely had a great time with Morgan today.