Day 68 | five zippers

Another foot of snow fell overnight and I was curious what level class I was going to receive.  On the one hand, I wanted to shred the gnar again but on the other hand, I was kind of tired.  I left my fate in my Supervisor's hand and he handed me a Lil Ripper.  That meant my day consisted of lots of breaks, lots of walking up the Magic Carpet, and coloring.

My kid was six years old and had been snowboarding before.  He was actually pretty good and could turn if I held his hand.  We even took the SkiDoo Train over to the Super Carpet and I think he did two turns on his own on that terrain.

Today's Highlights:  the Magic Carpet lifty had a snow skate with him so I rocked down the bunny hill a couple times on that thing.  I had never tried one before.  Not my cup of tea but it really helps with your balance once you get back on your snowboard.

Lifts close at 3:30pm now, which means, if your kids get signed out early enough, you can rock one last run after work.  Since I spent my day at the CLC, I decided to see how the conditions were up top.  Every groomer was tracked out!  The snow was chunkier today than yesterday but still nice.  I rocked down the trees off Whiskey Jack and then down to Tokem.  It was a quick run and the slopes were deserted at this time.  More snow is forecasted for tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to shredding one last week with my WESP kids.