Day 39 - Elvis is in the building

Snow School has been super busy this week.  Snowboard lessons have been sold out all week!  We've been teaching between 40-45 kids... which is pretty busy for snowboarding.  Today I was assigned level fours with Pirate Joshy.  Unfortunately, there were only four kids who signed up in that level so I didn't get a class.  Instead I spent the morning shadowing his class.  It's always good to see where and what other Instructors teach and Josh is a really good Instructor.

The snow up top was really nice with 2cm of fresh overnight.  Runs were soft packed with small patches of ice here and there on the busy sections.  I picked up a couple of new exercises I could use to help kids with counter-rotation and also found some good hits through the terrain park.  I stayed with his class until lunch, grabbed a quick salad and then headed home for the day.