Day 27 - still a bit wet

The warm temperatures are still here and there was a bit of rain in the village first thing this morning.  12cm dropped over overnight.  The conditions up top weren't too bad as much of the snow was soft packed but as soon as you hit Emerald Chair, the snow got a bit wet and as you descended, the snow got heavier and heavier. 

I was told I was requested to have my level 4 brother and sister team for the next two weeks Their parents want a bit of consistency when it comes to their instructor.  Normally the kids are not guaranteed the same instructor for their entire lesson stay.  I'm certainly not complaining as they are good kids, good snowboarders, fun to have around, I'm guaranteed work and guaranteed a high level class.  Not too shabby!  


Martini Cartwheels said...

Cute Whistler McNuggets. They look like they are having fun.