Day 44 - chasing skiers

I wasn't going to ride today but my friend Michelle called and said she was heading up for 10am and I should tag along.  The wind was howling outside and high temp on the peak today was 18°F.  Not to mention, 1cm of new snow overnight (not even worth mentioning).  What the hell I thought?  I had already cleaned my apartment and only had laundry left on my to-do list.  Besides, I'm not even half way through my quest and it's almost February.  I need to get riding!!

We headed up Fitzsimmons Chair and as we were standing in line at Garbanzo, we merged in with four other ski instructors from Whistler Kids. Skiers are notoriously faster on the snow than snowboarders. I, for one, am a very slow snowboarder so everyone was waiting for me as I showed up slowly but surely at the intersections. No matter. Michelle and I didn't last long as we ducked out after two runs to head to the CLC for a free lunch.

The temps up top were so cold, the wind was whipping and the conditions were crap. After a tasty grill cheese, I hit the nearest run back to the village, into the locker room, and onto my couch for a much needed nap.