Day 107 | saliva on my apple

Back to work after a quick weekend off and for the third day in a row, I awoke to snow at my doorstep.  Whistler Blackcomb reported 4cm fell overnight but I had at least six inches in my driveway.  I was keen to teach an upper level in order to enjoy the fresh powder but I was given level ones instead .... and I started with seven of them.

It turns out four of them were in lessons yesterday and only three of them had never snowboarded before.  After getting the new guys up to speed on strapping in, skating, and basic mobility, we quickly hit the Magic Carpet where it was quite evident some of the other kids who were there yesterday were really level twos and not level ones.  After lunch I was able to give three of them to Melissa who had the level two class.

It was a typical level one day that started with me taking a few freshie laps down the Magic Carpet just because there was a good amount of snow and it was light and fluffy.  The weather was odd and a bit of every season all wrapped up into one afternoon.  Cloudy in the morning, sunny after lunch, clouds rolled in later in the afternoon and it snowed a bit, then back to sun for jump time.  By the time we got to the village, it was snowing/hailing and by the time I got changed out of my uniform, it was sunny again in the village.