Day 119 | i don't have a title for today

Day three of Adventure Camp:  hump day!  I'm getting tired but the week is still going good.  I only had three kids.  We were on the move by 9:30am and heading up the gondola.  It was pretty chilly in the morning and still cold later in the day with snow at Rendezvous all afternoon.

We spent the morning in Whistler green park.  Even though the kids are level fives, they are still terrain park rookies.  I showed them the ropes and then sent them on their way down the jumps.  The girls were a bit shy and timid and only tried one jump while Max rocked all four plus all the boxes.

After lunch we ran down to the village and uploaded on Blackcomb.  We took a couple of laps in the Terrain Garden and then raced each other at the GMC Race Center.  That was fun and the kids wanted to do it again.  Unfortunately, by the time we got back over to it again, they had closed the course because it was almost 3pm.  We ran down Zig Zag to finish off the day.  It looks like we snowboarded another 16.5 miles.  whew!  No wonder why I'm tired.