Day 121 | a very good Friday

I promised my two Adventure Camp kids that we would hit the GMC Race Centre first thing in the morning.  They wanted to run down it before the course got chewed up.  Of course we had a new level 5 Destination show up and we needed to evaluate his riding before starting our day.  So we grabbed the level 6 class and headed down Lower Olympic.  It wasn't too long before I realized the new guy was actually a level 4.  Luckily, that class was right behind us so it was easy to put him into the correct level and my kids and I took off.

We rode the Peak 2 Peak over to Blackcomb and squeezed in two runs on the race course before heading down to the village and in for lunch.  Our plan of attack for the afternoon was to hit 7th Heaven.  We made it out there by 1pm and took a run down the vast openness.  Seems like everyone had the same idea as it was crowded when you first got off the chair.  Of course, the sun was beating down like crazy and the weather was amazing.  I also forgot that today was Good Friday and everyone was off from work so the slopes were a little busier than earlier in the week.

The kids also wanted to take a couple laps through the terrain garden so I decided to ride the back of 7th to get out of there.  That turned out to be the best decision of the day.  We headed down Blue Line where the snow off the groomer was soft and dry.  Max and I enjoyed the wintery conditions while Lottie stayed comfortably on the groomer.  We found a couple of rocks to drop and some soft moguls to explore on.  It was really fun.

Before taking our last run of the week, we stopped at the Rendenzvous for some water and a bit of a break.  Both of the kids were bummed that today was their last day and they were both headed back home (Hong Kong and England) tomorrow.  After our terrain garden lap we kept riding south to the village with Lottie staying on the groomer and Max and I jumping hits on the sides.  We met up with their Dads right on time.  The kids collected their Adventure Camp toques, I collected my tip money and we all said goodbye for another season.  It was a great last week of work and the fun I had with these kids was just another reminder of why I love my job!