Day 11 | cold is the new black

Today was the coldest day of the season and the winds were gusting like crazy in the Alpine.  When the temperature is 12°F (-12°C) with high winds and I have the choice between a high level class (ski lifts and freezing my butt) or a low level class (Magic Carpet and lots of hot cocoa breaks) ... guess which one I choose???  Wait!  Let me add we haven't had any new snow in over a week.

Yes, you guessed it, I chose to take the six never-evers and hang out at the Magic Carpet.  Another reason I did that is because there were six of them and only one Level 5.  They all seemed pretty cool and eager to learn how to board so that's another reason why I chose them.  When you have more than one kid, they entertain each other, when you have one kid, you're their sole source of entertainment.  Kind of like real life ..... go figure!