35 snowboarders
150 skiers in Adventure Camp (five day)
210 skiers in Destination (one day)
+ minis (ages 3-4yrs)
That's over 500 kids in Ski and Snowboard School, just in our location, which is based at the village on Whistler. holy crap! WE ROCK!!
Once my three AC kids showed up in the morning, we headed straight up the gondola to the Roundhouse and took a run back down to the CLC. We picked up five more kids who were suppose to be our level, but after a lap down to the village, only one of them stayed with us, the others went to a different class. We built a jump before lunch and practiced our 180 skills. After lunch, the kids wanted more jumps so we spent another hour at the CLC. Time to get moving so we headed back down to the village, taking the "secret passage", which is basically a quick run through some trees. It was filled with powder and the kids all got stuck but loved it and wanted more. We scooted over to the top of B-Line.
B-Line is a single track mountain bike run through the trees. It's not an ideal tree run for snowboarders because of the table tops: meaning there are many places that go up a hill and if you're not good enough to keep your speed, you end up having to hop up the hill or unclip your bindings and walk. Three out of the four kids got through B-Line fairly well and quickly but one kid just had a heck of time. He hated that run and by the time he got out, he was sweating buckets. But it was a great time killer. We took the Fitz chair back up and ran Crabapple down as our last run. We had a half hour left for more jumps at the CLC. We didn't get much snowboarding done today but the kids had a great day!!
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