Day 26 | Christmas Eve

I think I'm the only instructor in Whistler Kids with only three kids in Adventure Camp and all three of them are Jewish.  They could care less about Christmas.  But today is Christmas Eve and I spent the day on Whistler snowboarding with these kids and I had a blast!

I felt that I haven't spent too much time this week getting these kids to improve their snowboarding skills, instead we've spent most of the week building jumps and working on our jumping.  Today I decided to get back to basics and get these kids turning with the proper form and to start learning advanced sliding turns.  First AM run I got the boys to the proper form and they stopped their counter rotation.  Next we hit blue runs and started turning with our knees.  We had about three or four runs before lunch.

After lunch I promised one kid we'd try Marmot Trees so we hit those three times in the afternoon.  We also took a lap through the Whistler Terrain Park (personally I think the Whistler Park sucks and they ruined Cougar Run by adding features to it).  Anyway, I got the boys up to a level four by the end of the day.  Last day of Adventure Camp tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.  These kids are fun.