I'm getting tired of trying to describe the frigid cold temperatures over the last few days. Let me just say: DITTO!
I took the level two class today. It was a couple of returning students from yesterday. They worked pretty hard at getting confident on zig zags so I decided to take them down Lower Olympic after lunch. Riding down to the village from midstation is a great way to "kill" an afternoon with lower level classes because it will take them, on average, one hour to make their way down. It's an hour spent snowboarding vs. an hour spent staring at my watch standing around. Even if the kids are only zig zagging, they get so excited being able to leave the Magic Carpet area. I can't blame them, it is pretty fun. And it makes for unbelievable stories with mom and dad at the end of the day. These guys were good enough to fit in two runs down to the village. Needless to say, moms and dads were thrilled ... which lead to the first tip ($$) of the season!!
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